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My Portfolio

Learn More about My Portfolio
My Portfolio offers the following Menu choices
  • Add a Horse to your portfolio
  • Delete a Horse from your portfolio
  • Edit/View your Contacts for sending and receiving Messages
  • Help
Also on the My Portfolio screen you can select any underlined horse name to view more detailed information on that horse.
Selecting a mare's name will take you to a Produce History screen for that mare. You can also access a 5X pedigree, Catalogue Style Pedigree, Nicking Report, Photos of the horse and Tabulated Race Records from the Produce History screen.
In Training horses
Selecting a horse In training will take you to a Starts screen displaying the Starts for that horse in a Past Performance format. You can also view a 5X Pedigree, Catalogue Style Pedigree, the last 10 Workouts, Entry information and Photos of the horse from the Starts screen.
Selecting a Sire takes you to a 5X pedigree for that Sire. From this screen you can also view a Catalogue Style Pedigree and Photos for the subject horse
Weanlings, Yearlings & Two Year Olds
Selecting any of these horses takes you to a 5X pedigree for that horse. From this screen you can also view a Catalogue Style Pedigree and Photos for the subject horse.

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