equineline Reports |
equineline Reports
equineline Reports for Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses |
For a complete listing of pedigrees, reports, prices and samples of equineline Reports available for Thoroughbreds, click here. For a complete listing of pedigrees, reports, prices and samples of equineline Reports available for Quarter Horses click here
equineline.com Portfolio Service |
equineline.com Portfolio Service
Equineline Portfolio Service for Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses |
The equineline Portfolio Service is a monthly subscription service. The monthly charge for the service is based on the number of horses included in your portfolio in a given month. The fee is $2.99 per horse. equineline.com keeps track of each horse you've included in your portfolio in a month. Your subscription fee is calculated by totaling the number of horses in your Portfolio during the billing period. For example, if you begin a month with 8 horses in your portfolio, and add 4 horses during the month, you will be charged a subscription rate for 12 horses ($2.99 X 12 horses = $35.88) for that month.
First Month is Free for New Subscribers
New Portfolio Service subscribers will have their first month's Portfolio fee ($2.99/horse x number of horses) waived!
equineline.com Trainer Program |
equineline.com Trainer Program
Equineline Trainer Program for Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses |
The equineline.com Trainer Program is a monthly subscription service. The monthly $29.95 charge for the service allows you to maintain vital training and billing records on up to 20 horses. Additional horses may be tracked in groups of 10 for $10.00 per month.
First Month is Free for New Subscribers
New Trainer Program subscribers receive their first month free!
equineline.com Farm Program |
equineline.com Farm Program
Equineline Farm Program for Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses |
The equineline.com Farm Program is a monthly subscription service. The monthly $29.95 charge for the service allows you to maintain vital health and billing records on up to 30 horses. Additional horses may be included for $1.00 per horse per month.
First Month is Free for New Subscribers
New Farm Program subscribers receive their first month free!
equineline.com Portfolio Volume Discounts |
equineline.com Portfolio Volume Discounts
10% Portfolio Subscription Discount for 50 or More Horses |
Volume discounts are given automatically. If you have 50 or more horses in your portfolio in a given month, you will automatically receive a 10% discount on your equineline.com portfolio subscription charged that month.
equineline.com and equineline Reports Volume Discounts |
equineline.com and equineline Reports Volume Discounts
Calendar Month's Discounts and Volume Discounts |
In addition to the equineline.com portfolio volume discount described above, there are other discounts which apply
to both:
- Calendar Month's Discount.
When you run $220 or more (equineline.com portfolio service and equineline Reports) in a calendar month you will automatically receive a 10% discount on your invoice. Any amount over $500 receives an additional 5% discount (on top of the 10%). In addition, any amount over $1,000 will receive another 5% discount.
- Volume Discount Contracts
We offer several levels of Volume Discounts based upon a dollar level you expect to spend in a calendar year (this is a combined equineline.com portfolio service and equineline Reports). Annual Volume Discounts levels begin at $2,000 and go up from there. If you think you might be interested in one of these, or would like to know more, please contact us at (800) 333-1778 or (859) 224-2800.